Scott Taylor – Blues Kitchen | Album Review

Scott Taylor – Blues Kitchen

Fetal Records

11 tracks/40:05 running time

The jury is still out on whether sharing the name of Scott Taylor with a member of the Virginia House of Delegates is a boon or a hindrance for D.C. born, Virginia raised, Blues vocalist Scott Taylor.

While probably capable of convincing soundbites, it is doubtful that Scott Taylor the politician can get down like Scott Taylor the singer.  Blues Kitchen is a compact production, anchored by the tight guitar and bass playing of Tony Fazio. Taylor and Fazio co-wrote ten of the eleven songs contained here.  The eleventh was written by Taylor.

According to the press, Scott Taylor has had a varied singing career. Like many, he started in the church choir, but in the late ’80s chose the club circuit singing the dance  tunes. As a solo artist, he has recorded on various labels and projects and had a #1 hit in the U.K. with a dance track entitled “Don’t Turn Your Back On Me.” He is also the lead vocalist for the Electrified Blues Band.

What is obvious from the outset when listening to Blues Kitchen, is that Mr. Taylor not only can sing, but wraps his way around a song completely, as superior stylists are known  to do.

Track 1, “Painting The Town,” is a loping groove that allows Mr. Taylor room to establish his mandate that this is indeed his record.

Track 3, “Tennessee,” gives a poignant autobiographical voice to the central character in the song. ‘He’s heading back home to where he’s supposed to be, to the woman that needs him so, he sees the trees have grown, as he passes the river he was baptized in.’ Mr. Fazio’s somber guitar lines develop into an emotional call and response between guitar and voice. Everyone who claims to sing the Blues is not capable of achieving the mournful moans that Mr. Scott achieves here.

Track 5, “Sweet Daddy Brown,” is an ode to a larger than life Memphis character. The archetype  is familiar and the interplay between Fazio and Charlie Sayles on harmonica is smokin’.

Two drummers are used on this session. Eric Selby on tracks 7 & 8 while Greg Phillips handles the bulk of of it.

This is a capable album with more than a fair share of bright moments. The liner notes don’t list a producer as such but Scott Taylor implies that he and Tony Fazio are co-producers.

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