Rob Tognoni – Catfish Cake
MIG Music
12 songs time – 42:04
A native of Tasmania, Australia, Rob Tognoni has been dazzling audiences with his guitar, vocal and songwriting prowess in a career spanning thirty five years and encompassing twenty albums. All compositions here are from his own hand. He is often referred to under his pseudonym of “The Tasmanian Devil”. What awaits is a virtual guitar freak’s paradise. Guitar parts are often overlaid to flesh out the sound. He also handles keyboards and percussion. His partners in crime are drummer Mirko Kirch and Slawek Semeniuk on bass.
Rob’s songs encompass an array of subjects from relationships to political concerns. Things touched on vary from the trivial to more controversial themes. All the while he conjures up a heady brew of guitar pyrotechnics.
Shades(pun intended) of ZZ Top’s boogie and vocals as he ponders on the prospect of obtaining a new pair of Raybands in “New Set Of Rays”. He injects a bit of organ into it as well. Rob lends his hoarse pipes to the funky wah-wah infused “Dealin’ At The Crossroads”. “Captain Magic” is an energetic rock shuffle.
Ok sports fans, time to head for the shelters as we get inundated by an onslaught of F-Bombs launched at the “Fat Orange Man”. Just take a wild guess at who he’s referring to. Gee, I wonder how he REALLY feels.
Phony people are regaled funky rock style in the slow to fast and brooding “Superficial”. A truly catchy rock riff infuses “No Sleep In Hell”, a song that recalls any number of classic arena-rock bands. Rob brings out his deep bass voice for the slow and deliberate “She Waited” featuring two electric guitars as the only accompaniment.
“James Brown” basically amounts to an instrumental tribute to “The Godfather Of Soul” with only the occasional “Yeah I’m feeling good now” or a “huh”. Needless to say funky as all get out. More political expression on “Conspiracy Deep State”. “Outback” reminisces on his beloved home country of Australia. The guys rock on out with a yearning for healing on “Full Recovery”.
There ya have it guys and gals, a throw back to the heady days of Foghat or AC-DC or insert a rock band of your choice. Reminiscent yes, but not “copy cats”. That vibe is very evident throughout. As a bonus the cover portrays a cartoon catfish with spatula in hand about ready to serve up a catfish cake. This is the place for your guitar band fix. Blow out your speakers kids!