Lil’ Chuck the One Man Skiffle Machine – Solo
13 songs
One man band music has had a bit of a renaissance lately. Ghalia Volt toured as a one woman show for years. Scott H. Biram has elevated the form and Ray Bonneville has used electric drum triggers to accentuate his stomping from the start. From Christchurch, New Zealand, David Thorpe, known on stage as Lil’ Chuck the One Man Skiffle Machine, has been bringing this one man band aesthetic to a new, and irreverent, DIY level. With Solo, his 4th album, Thorpe cheekly announces in addition to writing, performing and recording everything himself: “well, let’s be honest about this…yes it’s me…doing PR, creative writing, promo and media stuff – ouch! This is very uncomfortable for me but I’m 52 and no one else is fighting my corner.”
Solo expands David Thorpe’s Punk informed razor sharp solo Blues and creates a strong artifact of his life and experience. “I Can’t Give it Away” is a haughty self deprecating opener lamenting the state of current music access. Jumping electric slide guitar propels “You Can Do It” in which Thorpe bolsters up self esteem and standing up for yourself. “You Need a Good Kick up the Arse” is just what the title implies channeling a certain type of midlife crankiness. Swampy medium temp “Domestic Stomp” details the mundane and daily routines that can, at times, plague the restless creative spirit. Syncopated raucous harmonica and high hat heavy percussion drive “Sunstrike” detailing a road trip. Throughout Thorpe stomps, slaps, strums and blows harmonica like a man possessed.
David Thorpe is a talented musician. Performing completely live, Solo shows Thorpe’s rhythmic chops, his proficiency in playing multiple instruments at the same time and his witty, every-man, perspective. Only available through BandCamp to stream, Solo is a little tough to find. But, it’s well worth a listen if you want something a little different, rocking with a Country Blues spirit.