Thank you for your payment.
Use the instructions below to submit your album.
How to submit your album to Blues Blast Magazine:
Step 1 – Create your master folder for submission.
On your computer, create a folder and name the folder as the artist name and the album title. For example: “Artist Name – Album Title”
Step 2 – Check that your audio files are in order:
Files must be MP3s.
If you need help converting files to MP3 files, Google “how do I convert files to MP3”. We cannot assist with the conversion of your files.
Files should be named as follows:
Files should be correctly meta-tagged. An easy way to do this is by downloading this meta-tagging program. Direct link:

Put your songs in the folder in the order that they are listed on your album. You can drag and drop the files you want to submit to the folder you created.
Song files MUST be titled appropriately as described above.
Double-check that the folder you are submitting contains the all necessary information as detailed above.
Step 3 – All submissions must include a One Sheet & All Album Artwork
One sheet should include:
- Song Titles
- Credits
Artwork must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
Step 4 – Submit your files:
- Go to (link opens in new tab).
- Agree to the terms of WeTransfer (no account needed).
- Click on “Or select a folder” and select the folder that contains your album song files and required album artwork.
- In the “Email to” line, please enter (this may already be filled out.)
- Enter your email address in the “Your Email” box.
- You do not need to enter anything in the message box.
- Click “Transfer” and leave this tab open.
Step 5 – Check your email and follow these instructions:
- Once you click “Transfer,” it will ask you to verify your email address with a code.
- OPEN A NEW TAB and check your email address
- Look for an email from with a code.
- Open the email and copy the code.
- Enter the code you received in the WeTransfer Tab that you left open
- Press “Verify”
- Wait for your files to complete the transfer.
- Wait until it says that all files are uploaded. (This may take a while.)
- Once files have been uploaded, it’s a success!
- Thank you for submitting to the 2024 Blues Blast Music Awards
All questions regarding the process can be directed to We do not accept email submissions.
DO NOT send us files via email. They will be deleted.